When it comes to replacing a toilet seat on an older toilet, you may have some difficulties finding the perfect seat. A lot of manufactures may have discontinued the particular color/ style you may need. Simply going to your local home center may prove to be a waste of time and money. Here is a tip you can use to help determine what seat will best fit your needs, please see below:
First, determine who makes that toilet you currently have. The name is usually printed on the toilet.
Carefully remove the tank lid off the tank, inside you should find a series of numbers and or letters.
Write this information down, it will help the manufacturer determine what color and style toilet you have.
Once you have this information, you will have to call the manufacturer directly; I have provided a phone list of the top manufacturers for you.
Kohler 800-456-4537
American Standard 800-442-1902
Crane Plumbing 800-546-5476
Eljer Plumbing 800-423-5537
When a manufacturer stops production on a toilet seat colors or styles, they will usually sell the molds to third party companies who will continue to produce the items under their own label. If the manufacturer tells you they no longer make the seat, ask them if they have a Church or Bemis equivalent model number. If not. You may still be able to purchase a seat from Church or Bemis. Too find more information on Church or Bemis please see the links I have provided.
http://www.bemisseats.com/catalog/retail/?cat=colors or http://www.churchseats.com/
This method has proven successful for a lot of my clients. Its may not solve every seat situation, but in most cases it will. If you have a uniquely colored seat, you may want to consider buying an extra toilet seat and storing it away just in case.
Good luck,
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