How to Choose A Toilet
When ordering a toilet, also known as a water closet, you must first determine if the fixture will be used un a residential or commercial application.
When ordering a toilet, also known as a water closet, you must first determine if the fixture will be used un a residential or commercial application.
Residential Toilets-
The first step in ordering a residential toilet is to find out what rough in is needed for this fixture. The rough in is the distance measured from the finished back wall to the center of the drain or the center of the mounting bolts. The standard rough in is 12”, however 10” and 14” roughs are offered with some models. Please see the manufacturer catalog for details.
Next determine the color you want for their water closet. Some of the most popular colors are white, bone, and biscuit. Many other colors are available, however, not all toilets are offered in every color. Please see the manufacturer catalog for color details.
After choosing the toilet, you have the option of ordering a trip lever that matches the faucetry in their home. A color coordinated or chrome trip lever is usually furnished with the fixture, however, some people prefer a particular style or finish that matches their bathroom. Polish brass, polish chrome, porcelain levers are just a few favorites. Not all styles and finishes are available for every toilet. Please see the manufacturer catalog for details.
Does you want a one-piece toilet or a two-piece toilet? Both are illustrated below.
If you select a two-piece toilet, you also have the option of buying an insulated toilet tank. An insulated tank has a Rubber/ Styrofoam coating inside to prevent the tank from sweating.
Will this toilet have a round bowl or elongated bowl? The elongated toilet bowl measures eighteen and one-half inches from the seat bolts holes to the front of the bowl. The round front toilet measures sixteen and one-half inches.
Do you prefer a pressure assisted toilet or a siphon flush toilet? The siphon flush uses a siphon action to pull the waste from the toilet while the pressure-assisted toilet uses a siphon action along with a pressurized tank to push the waste out of the toilet. Check the manufacturer's catalog to see which styles are available in pressure assisted. Also, be sure to check the manufacturers catalog to see if a toilet seat is included with this toilet. If a toilet seat is not included, one will need to be ordered separately
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